Støtte til 14 nye nullutslippsfartøy i Norge
Aker Horizones allocated grid capasity for green ammonia production in Narvik and Berlevåg by Statsnett
Aker Horizons allocated grid capacity for green ammonia production in Narvik and Berlevåg by Statnett – Aker Horizons
Aker Horizons ASA (OSE: AKH), a developer of green energy and industry, has applied for and been allocated grid capacity of 250 MW for its large-scale green ammonia plant under development in Kvandal outside Narvik, and 120 MW for its facility in Berlevåg, both in Northern Norway.
– Vi må jo få brukt all vinden vi har her til noe
Transformations for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Nominated for the Thor Heyerdahl award
Svalbard skal bruke diesel før øya blir utslippsfri i 2030
Nor-Shipping 2023 focuses on #PartnerShip to accelerate industry progress
Svalbard: The race to save the fastest-warming place on Earth
Svalbard’s climate change fight
Assignment – Svalbard’s climate change fight – BBC Sounds
Svalbard is estimated to be heating at six times the global average
Sustainable Energy Conference got Alaska talking about potential of geothermal, wind and solar
Sustainable Energy Conference got Alaska talking about potential of geothermal, wind, solar, and ‘all of the above’ – Must Read Alaska
Anchorage’s downtown looked again like the civic hub of the state this week, with the Den’aina Center hosting a large-scale energy conference, the first in many, many years. Only rather than focusing on oil and gas, this conferenced looked ahead toward some of the next opportunities for the state. H…
Eit annleis reisebrev frå Alaska; Det handlar om dei grøne løysingane
Green corridors – channelling efforts to scale up maritime decarbonisation
Exxon and Grieg Launch Study on Ammonia Bunkering Hub on the Oslofjord
Vil bruke utrangerte oljeplattformer til taredyrking og datasenter
AIP milestone lifts ZEEDS project to develop first green ammonia supply chain for ships
AIP milestone lifts ZEEDS project to develop first green ammonia supply chain for ships
The ZEEDS project has moved a step closer to realisation of a ground-breaking project to develop the first green ammonia supply chain for shipping after securing a key class approval for a proposed newbuild bunkering tanker to transport the fuel.
Griegs ammoniakkskip er godkjent av DNV: – En stor milepæl
Building the world’s first green ammonia fueled tanker – MS Green Ammonia
Building the world’s first green ammonia fueled tanker – MS Green Ammonia – The ZEEDS Initiative
12.10 – 13.15: Collaboration – the key to accelerate the hydrogen economy
Existing structures are changing – the green shift is forcing organisations to find new partnership-based business models. This session looks at how different players in the industry need to collaborate to move the industry fo…
Existing structures are changing – the green shift is forcing organisations to find new partnership-based business models. This session looks at how different players in the industry need to collaborate to move the industry fo…
Breakfast Symposium: Decarbonisation of Shipping – A gamechanger for the way of cooperation
Maritime Ammonia Insights
Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Zero Emission Energy Distribution at Sea – ZEEDS. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
The Nordic region is visibly showing leadership in the maritime energy transition, and value-chain based collaborations are increasingly common. ZEEDS, an abbreviation for Zero Emission Energy Distribution at Sea, is a collaboration platform between Grieg Star, Aker Solutions, Wärtsilä, DFDS, and Eq…
Comment la Norvège prépare la décarbonation des navires
Wärtsilä and partners provide update on Zero Emission Energy Distribution at Sea initiative
The A to Z of emission-free shipping – Beyond Business with Wartsila podcast
Popular Science magazine: Wärtsilä and Grieg Edge MS Green Ammonia project is “Best of What’s New” in 2021
Popular Science magazine: Wärtsilä and Grieg Edge MS Green Ammonia project is "Best of What's New" in 2021
A joint project between technology group Wärtsilä and Grieg Edge, the innovation hub of Norwegian shipping group Grieg Star, promoting the use of green ammonia as a marine fuel has received important recognition from Popular Science magazine.
Best of what`s new 2021
UiT og Berlevåg kommune inngår samarbeidsavtale
Greig and Wartsila Proceeding with Ammonia Carrier due to Launch 2024
Designer et av verdens første ammoniakkskip i Solheimsviken
Nicolai H. Grieg vil bli først i verden med ammoniakkskip
Selskapet Grieg Edge vil bli først i verden med et skip som skal bruke ammoniakk til drivstoff. Bergensselskapet LMG Marine har fått designjobben.
Statsbudsjettet 2022: Nullutslippsløsning for Svalbard
– Målet er at ammoniakk skal fungere i alle skip
– Målet er at ammoniakk skal fungere i alle skip
PODKAST: – Hvis vi allerede nå kan blande inn 20-30 prosent ammoniakk i eksisterende skip og øke andelen når drivstoffet blir mer tilgjengelig, vil det ha større effekt enn å utvikle én båt som går 100 prosent på ammoniakk, sier salgssjef i Wärtsila Norge, Cato Esperø.
«Ammoniakk og solkraft er viktige stikkord»
Fornybar løsning på Svalbard vil lønne seg
Store Norske vil gjøre Arktis utslippsfritt. Små off-grid-samfunn kan driftes fra Svalbard
“Join the green ammonia revolution”
The future of marine fuel lies in green hydrogen and ammonia. In 2024, the world’s first vessel to be exclusively powered by ammonia, the tanker MS Green Ammonia, will be launched. “Join the green ammonia revolution now,” says Christina Ianssen, Head of Sustainability at Aker BioMarine. Reading time…
Oppfinner vil få fart på utslippsfri skipsfart med denne metoden
Vindkraft i nord kan gi utslippsfrie skip
Fornybar løsning på Svalbard vil lønne seg
Det grønne skiftet kan gi fire hundre nye inbyggere i Berlevåg
Full speed ahead for onshore green ammonia production in Norway
Paves the way for sustainable shipping
Lillebror Ap lokker nordnorske velgere: Slik skal landsdelen vokse
A practical plan for a zero emission marine ecosystem
“Join the green ammonia revolution”
“Join the green ammonia revolution”
The future of marine fuel lies in green hydrogen and ammonia. In 2024, the world’s first vessel to be exclusively powered by ammonia, the tanker MS Green Ammonia, will be launched. “Join the green ammonia revolution now,” says Christina Ianssen, Head of Sustainability at Aker BioMarine. Reading time…
How the Biden-Harris Administration Can Help Ships Kick Fossil Fuels
New Mapping of Zero Emission Pilots and Demonstration Projects shows an increasing focus on hydrogen based fuels
New Mapping of Zero Emission Pilots and Demonstration Projects shows an increasing focus on hydrogen based fuels
The uptake of pilot and demonstration projects is a vital step in pushing forward the transition to zero emission fuels for the maritime industry. The second edition of the Getting to Zero Coalition’s Mapping of Zero Emission Pilots and Demonstration Projects demonstrates the scale and diversity of …
DFDS will operate green ammonia powered ferries
Aker Clean Hydrogen og Varanger Kraft inngår samarbeid for å bygge hydrogen- og ammoniakkanlegg i Berlevåg
Aker Clean Hydrogen satser fra Finnmark til Chile: Skal investere minst 30 milliarder
Aker Clean Hydrogen satser fra Finnmark til Chile: Skal investere minst 30 milliarder
Hydrogen blir én av fire pilarer i fornybarporteføljen til Aker Horizons. Totalt regner man med å investere titalls milliarder det neste tiåret. Det skal bidra til å gjøre skipsfart utslippsfri og til å kunne bygge vindkraft i Finnmark uten kraftkabler til Sør-Norge.
Nå stiftes selskapet – et stort skritt nærmere industrieventyr
Aker lanserer hydrogensatsing: Aker Clean Hydrogen
Aker Horizons vil børsnotere nysatsingen Aker Clean Hydrogen
Aker Horizons vil børsnotere nysatsingen Aker Clean Hydrogen
Kjell Inge, Kristian Røkke og Aker lanserte fornybarsatsingen Aker Horizons for et drøyt halvår siden. Under tre uker etter at Horizons selv kom på børs skal selskapet børsnotere et datterselskap som skal inn i et helt nytt segment: Hydrogen.
Aker Horizons launches Aker Clean Hydrogen to industrialize clean hydrogen
Aker Horizons launches Aker Clean Hydrogen to industrialize clean hydrogen and reduce CO2 emissions globally — Aker Horizons
• Aker Clean Hydrogen to develop, build, own, and operate clean hydrogen production at scale, leveraging domain expertise across Aker group • Cooperation with Statkraft and Yara to establish Europe’s first industrial-scale green ammonia project in Norway – the 450 MW Herøya plant • Partnering with
Yara, Statkraft og Aker Horizons vil utvikle en verdikjede for grønt hydrogen og grønn ammoniakk
Aker Horizons partners with Yara and Statkraft to establish Europes first large scale green hydrogen and ammonia project in Norway
Aker Horizons Partners With Yara And Statkraft To Establish Europe’s First Large Scale Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project In Norway – FuelCellsWorks
OSLO, Norway — Aker Horizons AS (“Aker Horizons”) announced today that it has signed a Letter of Intent with Statkraft AS (“Statkraft”) and Yara International ASA (“Yara”) aiming to establish…
Greger er klar med nytt selskap og ny satsing dette kan bli stort
Alt er duket for et industrieventyr i Finnmark
Støre lover full støtte: Vi heier på Berlevåg
Industridrømmen støttes av de to største
Kullkraftverket legges ned: – Viktig å ikke låse Svalbard til gasskraft
Tank neste for Grieg
World`s first Green Ammonia Fuelled Tanker
Grieg Star aiming to build first tanker to use and carry green ammonia
Wartsila & Grieg to Build Green Ammonia Tanker
Grieg and Wärtsilä to build groundbreaking green ammonia tanker
Millionstøette til utslippsfri transport
Grieg star jumps to the front of the green ammonia queue with wartsila
Norway ammonia tanker project secures govt backing
Norway funds green ammonia and hydrogen shipping projects
Millionstøtte til utslippsfri havgående transport
Wärtsilä and Grieg to Build World’s First Green Ammonia Tanker
Grieg and Wärtsilä to build groundbreaking green ammonia tanker
Millionstotte til utslippsfri havgaende transport
Grieg vil bygga nytt ammoniakkskip
Ammonia – the fastest route to renewable long-distance shipping?
Norway’s very first infrastructure for green ammonia in Berlevåg, and the testing of both a fuel cell and a combustion engine powered by ammonia at Stord, were key topics during ZEEDS digital workshop at this year’s Zero Conference in Norway.
Vil erstatte kullkraftverket på Svalbard med multifuelmotorer
Vil erstatte kullkraftverket på Svalbard med multifuelmotorer Lokalstyret i Longyearbyen går inn for multifuelteknologi for å erstatte kullkraftverket som forsyner byen med strøm. Multifuelmotorer kan blant annet gå på biogass. OLE PEDER GIÆVERI dag får de 2.300 innbyggerne i Longyearbyen strøm og v…
Vil lagre ammoniakk under vann
Vil lagre ammoniakk under vann:
Tankskip med ammoniakk kan overta for kullbilene til fremtidens energiverk på Svalbard. Det nye drivstoffet skal etter planen lagres i undersjøiske tanker.
Miljøversting på Svalbard kan være historie om tre år
The Artic town that goes renewable
Svalbard er i ferd med å knele
Svalbard er i ferd med å knele
Svalbard er i dag et utstillingsvindu for hvor raskt klimaendringene faktisk skjer. Nå bør det bli et utstillingsvindu for offensive og moderne fornybarløsninger.
Fire skipslaster fra Finnmark kan forsyne Svalbard med energi et helt år
Produksjon av grønn ammoniakk i Berlevåg
Maritime Ammonia: ready for demonstration
Maritime Ammonia: ready for demonstration – Ammonia Energy Association
At least four major maritime ammonia projects have been announced in the last few weeks, each of which aims to demonstrate an ammonia-fueled vessel operating at sea. In Norway, Color Fantasy, the world’s largest RORO cruise liner, will pilot ammonia fuel. Across the broader Nordic region, the Globa…
ZEEDS receives Nordic funding
The floating filling station: bunkering zero-emission fuel at sea
Five things we learned from Nor-Shipping 2019
Nordic heavyweights team up in zero emission initiative
Concept consortium hunts additional partners in bid to revolutionise bunkering logistics
Concept consortium hunts additional partners in bid to revolutionise bunkering logistics is Middle East’s largest Logistics News portal & digital destination for Middle East supply chain and logistics professionals, and the home of ITP’s industry-leading supply chain publications on the web.