Svalbard: The race to save the fastest-warming place on Earth

Svalbard’s climate change fight

Sustainable Energy Conference got Alaska talking about potential of geothermal, wind and solar

Eit annleis reisebrev frå Alaska; Det handlar om dei grøne løysingane

Green corridors – channelling efforts to scale up maritime decarbonisation

Exxon and Grieg Launch Study on Ammonia Bunkering Hub on the Oslofjord

Vil bruke utrangerte oljeplattformer til taredyrking og datasenter

AIP milestone lifts ZEEDS project to develop first green ammonia supply chain for ships

Griegs ammoniakkskip er godkjent av DNV: – En stor milepæl

ZEEDS back at the Nor-Shipping Ocean Leadership Conference

The ZEEDS initiative is back at the Nor-Shipping Ocean Leadership Conference Three years ago, we gathered at Nor-Shipping to announce ZEEDS, a bold initiative to find the fastest routes towards zero emissions shipping. We knew we couldn’t do it alone, so we asked the whole industry for help and the response has been overwhelming. Stakeholders […]